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HomeAPA-ADA Specialist Graduates

Accessibility Professionals Association developed an "APA Specialist" designation program. The various tracks are awarded to individuals who specialize in the built environment, attend the eight hours of specific APA training and pass a written, proctored test. The designation is limited to members of APA.

APA-ADA Specialist Designation Graduates

The following individuals are members of APA, hold a license/certification as RAS, ICBO, CASP, or equal, hold the "APA-ADA Specialist" designation. We congratulate them on this accomplishment and the advancement of their professional knowledge and expertise.

Akinwunmi, Seun
Allen, Greg
Allen, Tanya
Allender, Irene
Alexander, John
Bibbs, Ronald
Blackman, Sabrina
Boyle, Celia
Boecker, Gene
Brennan, Kristin
Brewer, Stacey
Caballero, Mary
Cawyer, Fred
Christensen, David
Columbus, Phillip J.
Darr, Douglas
Darr, Teresa
Davies, Bob
Davies, Mary
DeBauge-Harcum, Lucia
Deffner, Konny
Dham, Naresh
Fleming, Tim A.
Gereda, Julie
Glenn, Paul
Goss, Kim
Grojean, Peter
Guerrero, Felipe
Guerrero, Jose
Haight, Richard
Harris, Colleen Dement
Harris, George A.
Harris, MonicaHeilman, Jeanene

Hertner, Hans
Hooker, Kim
Huegele, Richard
Hulme, Mark

Huszka, Attila
Jackson, Karen
Jackson, Steve
Kerstetter, Thomas
Lane, Leonard
Lardizabal, Jesus
Linnstaedter, Robert
Love, Michael
Lozano, Richard
MacPhie, Stephen
Manthei, William C.
Marrero, A. Leslie

McClellan, Jack
McMillan, David
Menard, Ronald
Miles, Sandra
Morley, Mark
Mullins, Anne

Mullins, Martin
Nash, Deborah
O'Keefe, Jane
Otten, Kenneth
Papia, James
Pruitt, Carroll
Pullin, John
Qualls, Walter
Ramsey, Lynn
Respondek, Holly
Rhoads, Marcela Abadi
Ronson, Robert
Roosth, Stuart
Schexnayder, Chris
Shapiro, Angela
Stow, Randy
Strauch, Sarah
Stumberg, Martin
Swatek, David
Terry, James
Torkelson, John
Wall, Carrie Ann
Watt, Charles
Weiss, Martha
Wilkins, Thomas
Woo, Kam
Woodmore (Massey), Sharon
Yanke, Jeff

APA-ADA Assembly Area Specialist Designation Graduates
The following individuals are members of APA, hold a license/certification as RAS, ICBO, CASP, or equal, hold the "APA-ADA Specialist" designation, and successfully completed the training for the "APA Assembly Area Specialist" designation and passed the written, proctored test. We congratulate them on this accomplishment and the advancement of their professional knowledge and expertise.
Alexander, John
Boecker, Gene
Brennan, Kristin
Brewer, Stacey
Cawyer, Fred
Durham, James
Goss, Kimberly
Guerrero, Felipe
Guerrero, J. Rick
Harris, Monica
Hooker, Kim
Huegele, Richard

Lardizabal, Jesus
Love, Michael
MacPhie, Stephen
Manthei, William
Mullins, Anne
Mullins, Martin
Pruitt, Carroll
Pullin, John
Qualls, Walter
Torkelson, John

Woodmore (Massey), Sharon

APA-ADA Transient Lodging Specialist Designation Graduates

The following individuals are members of APA, hold a license/certification as RAS, ICBO, CASP, or equal, hold the "APA-ADA Specialist" designation, and passed the Transient Lodging test. We congratulate them on this accomplishment and the advancement of their professional knowledge and expertise.

Alexander, John
Blackman, Sabrina
Boyle, Celia
Brennan, Kristin
Brewer, Stacey
Cawyer, Fred
Christensen, David
Covacevich, Anthony
Davies, Mary R.
DeBauge-Harcum, Lucia
Dement, Colleen
Dham, Naresh

Goss, Kim
Guerrero, Felipe
Guerrero, Jose Rick
Harris, Monica
Hooker, Kim
Hulme, Mark
MacPhie, Stephen D.
Manthei, William C.
McClellan, Jack
Morley, Mark
Mullins, Anne
Mullins, Martin
Pruitt, Carroll

Pullin, John T.
Qualls, Walter
Roberts, Robin
Schexnayder, Chris
Shapiro, Angela
Strauch, Sarah
Torkelson, John
Wilkins, Thomas
Woodmore, Sharon

APA-ADA Accessibility Standards Basics Graduates

Brennan, Kristin
Carlascio, Chanel
Jacobson, Krista
Kerstetter, Thomas
Watt, Charles