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HomeAPA Continuing Education

Continuing Education Courses

Future and past trainings


APA Continuing Education and training credits* for

APAC-BE, AIA, ICC, TDLR, Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), ACTCP, and more

January 2025

APA National Conference
"Moving into the Future"

Austin Marriott North

Wednesday - Friday, January 29 - January 31, 2025

2025 APA National Conference Schedule       

2025 APA National Conference Program  


"TDLR Updates for TAS, TABS, & Regulations"
Presented by Marsha Godeaux and Jonathan Sparks of TDLR
Friday, January 31, 2025, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. CT

2 HR CE, APAC-BE #141 2 CEU, ACTCP 2 Elective, AIA/CES #APA 320 2 LU|HSW, ICC #43174 .20 CEU


APA is a group of professionals dedicated to accessibility in all aspects of the physical experience for persons with disabilities. APA offers related education on a regular basis throughout the year, which is open to APA members as well as the public. 


DISCLAIMER: APA makes no representation or warranty as to services provided by its members/specialists/professionals, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions of such members/specialists/professionals in the performance of services offered by such members/specialists/professionals. APA does not give legal advice, and the opinions offered in training presentations are those of the author and not APA itself. 


The authors of the presentations herein are recognized experts in their fields and have agreed to offer their knowledge to the membership of APA to enrich their understanding of the subject matter. The information in these presentations is general in nature and strictly from the point of view of the presenter. It should not be construed as legal, design, or professional advice which can be relied upon by any individual, entity, or group. There is no representation or warranty that the information provided in the presentations, both visual and verbal, is without errors or omissions. The responsibility for final verification of accuracy lies with the viewer.

APA posts CE/LU credits on approved classes directly to APAC, AIA, and DBPR. Classes noted as self-reporting must be reported by the individual attending the course. TDLR, ICC, and ACTCP courses are self-reporting.

Effective September 1, 2023, all continuing education (CE) credits required by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) for the Registered Accessibility Specialist (RAS) license must be self-reported by licensees. Licensees are responsible for tracking and reporting their own CE credit to TDLR in accordance with the department's requirements. For information on CE credit requirements, including the types of courses that qualify, the number of hours required, and how to report credit, please visit the TDLR website at

* Participants meet the CE/LU requirements of numerous organizations by attending APA Training. APA is an approved CE/LU provider for AIA/CES Provider (#G583), ICC Preferred Provider (#1321), and Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR, #PVD312). APA also provides preverified ACTCP credits on noted courses and has previously awarded an APA-ADA Specialist Designation, an APA-ADA Assembly Area Designation, and an Accessibility Standards completion certificate. APA partners with APAC (Accessibility Professionals Association Certification Program) to provide CE credits. Members/guests can meet the CE/LU requirements of numerous organizations, including the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, by attending APA Training and verifying with organizations when a course has been registered.


Check your status: AIA 


Past trainings

October 2024

Details on the Technical Updates to the 2025 TAS
hosted by APA and the Texas Chapter of APA

Friday, October 25, 2024, 12 - 2 p.m. CT

Presented by Marsha Godeaux and Jonathan Sparks of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)
2 HR CE; APAC-BE #127 2 CEU, AIA/CES #APA 323 2 LU|HSW, ICC #43378 .20 CEU


This course will go over the details of why the Texas Accessibility Standards are being updated. Then it will provide several of the key areas where items are being clarified and improved on for accessibility needs.  We will discuss new definitions, new advisory points, and new technical requirements and needs.  Finally, the course will end with detail about the new Chapter 11 section on outdoor developed areas.


Texas Accessibility Academy (2-day virtual class)
hosted by APA and the Texas Chapter of APA

Tuesday & Thursday, October 8 & 10, 2024
8 a.m. - 5 p.m. CT each day


Presented by Marsha Godeaux and Jonathan Sparks of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)
16 HR CE
Day #1 AIA/CES #APA 301 8 LU|HSW
Day #2 AIA/CES #APA 302 8 LU|HSW

A two-day comprehensive study of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules, and the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Visit for more information about the schedule.


September 2024

An Introduction to Universal Design
hosted by APA and the Rocky Mountain Chapter of APA
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. CT
presented by Joshua Klyber, Associate Principal of Accessibility and Universal Design at Jensen Hughes
APAC-BE #125 1 CEU, ACTCP 1 Elective, AIA/CES #APA 307 1 LU|HSW, ICC #41771 .10 CEU


APA Fall CE/LU Webinar

Friday, September 6, 2024

8:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. CT (half-day options available)

Schedule for the 2024 APA Fall Webinar


July 2024

Tools of the Trade: Accessibility Review Platforms
hosted by APA and the Rocky Mountain Chapter of APA
Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 12:00 - 2:00 PM CT

Presented by Joshua Kuphal and Leah Schoelles
APAC-BE #124 2 CEU, ICC #41533 .20 CEU, AIA/CES #APA 305 2 LU, 
TDLR 2 CE self-report, ACTCP 2 elective credits


June 2024

Texas Accessibility Academy (2-day virtual class)
hosted by APA and the Texas Chapter of APA

Tuesday & Thursday, June 25 & 27, 2024


Presented by Marsha Godeaux and Jonathan Sparks of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)
Day #1 AIA/CES #APA 301 8 LU|HSW
Day #2 AIA/CES #APA 302 8 LU|HSW

A two-day comprehensive study of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules, and the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). This is a very interactive class with plenty of time for questions. Marsha and Jonathan will also discuss some of the changes to expect in the soon to be updated TAS.


April 2024

APA Spring CE/LU Virtual Training

Friday, April 26, 2024

8:00 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. CT (half-day options available)

Schedule - 2024 APA Spring Virtual Training


March 2024

Texas Accessibility Academy (2-day virtual class)

Tuesday & Thursday, March 26 & 28, 2024 

16 hours of CE, AIA/CES #APA 262 16 LU|HSW  

You must attend both days for the 16 hours of credit

APA and the Texas Chapter of APA is hosting Marsha Godeaux and Jonathan Sparks of the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation for a two-day comprehensive study of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules, and the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). They'll also spend some discussing changes to expect in the next update of the TAS. There will be plenty of time for Q&A.


January 2024

 2024 APA National Conference, "Looking Beyond the Conventional"

January 24 - 26, 2024

2024 APA National Conference Page
2024 APA National Conference Schedule
Conference Program



"Understanding TAS Law and Rules"
Presented by Marsha Godeaux, Program Specialist VI at the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation
Friday, January 26, 2026, 8:00 - 10:00 pm CT

APAC-BE #121 2 CEU, AIA/CES #APA 290 2 LU|HSW, ICC #37816 .20 CEU, TDLR 2 CE Self-Report 

November 2023

APA Rocky Mountain Chapter Virtual Training

"Emergency Management and the ADA"
Presented by Laney C Davidson
Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 1:00 - 3:00 pm CT (12:00 - 2:00 pm MT)

APAC-BE #107 2 CEU, AIA/CES #APA 294 2 LU, ICC #38427 .20 CEU, ACTCP 3 Optional Foundation credits for Emergency Preparedness

Local entities and communities are increasingly planning emergency management and preparedness to handle disasters for the whole community. Emergencies and disasters can be particularly concerning for persons with access and functional needs. Successful outcomes will depend on the inclusiveness of the plans and preparations before the disaster.

This session will focus on key emergency management planning and preparedness strategies and approaches for including people with access and functional needs. The presentation will provide primarily the local level of government’s perspective, emergency manager’s need to interact with their ADA Coordinator, and their interactions with the state and federal level agencies.

October 2023

Texas Accessibility Academy (2-day virtual class)

Tuesday & Thursday, October 10 & 12, 2023

8:00 am - 5:00 pm CT


Presented by Marsha Godeaux of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)


NOTE: You must attend both days in entirety to receive any credit


A two-day comprehensive study of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules, and the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Visit for more information about the schedule.

September 2023

APA Fall CE/LU Virtual Training

Friday, September 15, 2023

8:00 am - 5:15 pm CT

Up to 8 hours of CE/LU credit available


Join us for a day of virtual training with Marsha Godeaux of TDLR, James Terry of Evan Terry Associates, and Gina Hilberry of Cohen Hilberry Architects. Half-day registration options are available for those that can't join for the whole day.


APA Rocky Mountain Chapter Virtual Training
Top 10 Accessibility Issues in Multifamily Housing Projects

Wednesday, September 27, 2023, 1:00 - 2:30 pm CT (12:00 - 1:30 pm MT)

Presented by
Bill Hecker
APAC-BE 1 CEU, ACTCP 1 elective credit, AIA/CES #APA 281 1LU|HSW,  ICC #37800 .10 CEU

1 hr CE/LU credit + .5 hr Q&A

This course will cover the most challenging accessible design issues in multifamily housing projects and how to integrate alternate accessible strategies for successful projects. It will focus on the analysis of which federal and code-based accessibility requirements apply to different types of multifamily housing projects architects may face.

June 2023

APA Rocky Mountain Chapter Virtual Training

Things People to Consider in Multimodal Transportation Projects

Monday, June 12, 2023

1:00 - 2:30 pm CT (12:00 - 1:30 pm MT)

ACTCP 1 elective credit, AIA/CES #APA 257 1 LU|HSW, ICC #35360 .10 CEU

1 hr CE/LU credit + .5 hr Q&A

This course will discuss the prioritization of pedestrian safety. Transit-oriented development must consider environmental justice and the inclusion of all categories of transportation users. Projects must evaluate the needs of all users, compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the environmental and economic impacts on the surrounding community from the earliest conceptual designs.

Texas Accessibility Academy (2 day virtual class)

Tuesday & Thursday, June 13 & 15, 2023

8:00 am - 5:00 pm CT

Presented by Marsha Godeaux of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)

TDLR #26376 2 CE (TX Laws & Rules) 14 CE (TX Access Standards), AIA/CES #APA 262 16 LU|HSW

NOTE: You must attend both days in entirety to receive any credit

Two-day comprehensive study of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules, and the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Visit for more information about the schedule.

May 2023

APA Virtual Training

Friday, May 12, 2023

4 hours of CE presented by Marsha Godeaux of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)

1:00 - 3:00 pm: Changes to Government Code Chapter 68 and TAS

TDLR #26644 1 CE (TX Law & Rules) 1 CE (TX Access Standards), AIA/CES #APA 269 2 LU|HSW, ICC #33983 .20 CEU, ACTCP 2 elective credits

Description: TDLR has been working on updating the Texas Accessibility Standards for over a year to make accessibility requirements easier to regulate. This course will go over the TDLR process for updating TAS as well as updates to the Texas Government Code 68. Marsha will also go over some of the items that are being implemented into the 2022 TAS proposal and how those differ from ADA requirements.

3:15 - 5:15 pm: Comparison of TAS and PROWAG

TDLR #27315 1 CE (TX Access Standards) 1 CE (Other Laws), AIA/CES #APA 278 2 LU|HSW, ICC #36084 .20 CEU, ACTCP 2 elective credits

Description: Texas Administrative Code 68.102 allows public right-of-way projects constructed in the state of Texas to use the Proposed Accessibility Guidelines for Pedestrian Facilities in the Public Right-of-Way in lieu of the Texas Accessibility Standards. This course will go over what kind of projects that can be applied to, the differences between the two accessibility standards, and the TDLR requirements for these kinds of projects.

April 2023

APA Spring CE/LU Virtual Training

Friday, April 28, 2023

Up to 8 hours of CE/LU credit available

APA Spring Virtual Training Schedule

March 2023

Texas Accessibility Academy (2 day virtual class)

Tuesday & Thursday, March 21 & 23, 2023

8 am - 5 pm CT

Presented by Marsha Godeaux of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)

TDLR #26376 2 CE (TX Laws & Rules) 14 CE (TX Access Standards), AIA/CES #APA 262 16 LU|HSW

NOTE: You must attend both days in entirety to receive any credit

Two-day comprehensive study of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules, and the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Visit for more information about the schedule.

January 2023

APA National Conference

Austin, TX (In-person conference)

Wednesday - Friday, January 25 - January 27, 2023

2023 APA National Schedule

October 2022

Texas Accessibility Academy (2 day virtual class)

Tuesday & Thursday, October 25 & 27, 2022

8 am - 5 pm CT

Presented by Marsha Godeaux of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)

TDLR #26376 2 CE (TX Laws & Rules) 14 CE (TX Access Standards), AIA/CES #APA 262 16 LU|HSW

NOTE: You must attend both days in entirety to receive any credit

Two-day comprehensive study of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules, and the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Visit for more information about the schedule.

September 2022

APA Fall Virtual CE/LU Training 

Friday, September 9, 2022


APA Fall CE/LU Training Schedule 

Virtual Training with APA Rocky Mountain Chapter

Tuesday, September 20, 2022, 3:00 - 4:30 pm CT

Blind spot acoustics: Inclusive architectural soundscape design - AIA/CES #APA 255 1.5 LU/HSWs

presented by Chris Downey, AIA, and Joshua Cushner


Course description: This course builds out from the base-line condition of the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations regarding the acoustic environment in places of public accommodation towards a more effective, enjoyable and inclusive strategy of architectural soundscape design. This course takes a brief glance at the minimum acoustic and audible standards established within the ADA to then explore the deep sonic focus from within the blind and low vision experience. Intended for those with intermediate knowledge of accessibility and acoustics in design and construction, session participants will be better prepared to design delightful and functional ADA-compliant architectural acoustic environments.

June 2022

Texas Accessibility Academy (2 day virtual class)

Tuesday & Thursday, June 14 & 16, 2022

8 am - 5 pm CT

Presented by Marsha Godeaux of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR)

16 hours of RAS CEUs - TDLR #24674 2 CE (TX Laws & Rules) 14 CE (TX Access Standards)

Two-day comprehensive study of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA), Architectural Barriers Administrative Rules, and the 2012 Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS). Visit for more information about the schedule.

Virtual Training with APA Rocky Mountain Chapter

"New topics in the 2017 A117.1 ICC Accessibility Standard"

AIA #APA 241 1 LU|HSW, ICC 29930 .10 CEU, TDLR #25137 1 CE (TX Access Standards), ACTCP 1 elective credits

Presented by Kim Paarlberg, Senior Staff Architect in Technical Services, International Code Council (ICC)

Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 12:00-1:30 PM Mountain / 1:00-2:30 PM Central

May 2022

APA Spring Virtual CE/LU Training

Friday, May 6, 2022

Half-day and full-day registration options available

APA Spring Virtual CE/LU Training Schedule

April 2022

Virtual Training with APA Rocky Mountain Chapter

"Why Does Website Accessibility Apply to Me?," presented by Geoff Ames, Meeting the Challenge, Inc., Colorado Springs, CO

Wednesday, April 06, 2022, 12:00-1:30 PM Mountain / 1:00-2:30 PM Central

ACTCP 1 elective credit, AIA/CES #APA 251 1 LU

January 2022

APA Virtual National Conference 2022

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 - Thursday, January 27, 2022

Click here to see the conference schedule

August 2021

Morning session, Friday, August 27, 2021:

  • “Lessons Learned from Surveys of Healthcare Facilities” by Jim Terry and Kaylan Dunlap of Terry Evans Associates
  • “A Case Study: Barrier Removal in Healthcare" by Bill Zellmer of Sutter Health Group

Afternoon session, Friday, August 27, 2021:

  • “TABS Project Owners, Agents and More” by Marsha Godeaux of TDLR
  • “Accessibility Requirements for Senior Living Facilities” by Doug Anderson of LCM Architects 
  • “Site Inspections: Tips from the Field (or How to Take Advantage of Someone Else’s Mistakes” by John Torkelson of theACCESSPartnership 

Click here to see the program.