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APAC-BE exam

Topics and study resources

Exam topics / domains


The domains covered are

  1. Understanding accessibility requirements in general (20 questions)
  2. Determining what services are to be provided by the accessibility professional (5 questions)
  3. Determining which accessibility requirements are applicable to the project within the scope of work (16 questions)
  4. Using the appropriate methodologies (e.g., best practices, tools, processes, procedures, approach) to accurately collect and report information (16 questions)
  5. Reviewing plans, specifications, and other documentation provided by the client to identify potential issues prior to construction (16 questions)
  6. Conducting site visits (17 questions)
  7. Writing, explaining, and defending a report (8 questions)
  8. Assisting clients with post-report services (2 questions)

Total questions: 100

NOTE: Candidates must have a general knowledge of construction documents and practices as well as legal terms and procedures. None of the questions on the exam consider stricter state requirements.

Visit the Study Resources page for a list of resources.